Обсуждение: Built-in Postgres Types as shown in Chap. 4 Programmer's Guide


Built-in Postgres Types as shown in Chap. 4 Programmer's Guide

oberpwd@anubis.network.com (Wade D. Oberpriller)

Can anyone point me into the right directions for building PostgreSQL with
the built-in types that are shown in Chap. 4 of the Programmer's Guide.

I would like to make use of the uint2/uint4 and float4/float8 datatypes, but
they don't appear to be automatically built in.

Wade Oberpriller

Re: Built-in Postgres Types as shown in Chap. 4 Programmer's Guide

Peter Eisentraut
Wade D. Oberpriller writes:

> Can anyone point me into the right directions for building PostgreSQL with
> the built-in types that are shown in Chap. 4 of the Programmer's Guide.
> I would like to make use of the uint2/uint4 and float4/float8 datatypes, but
> they don't appear to be automatically built in.

float4 and float8 are certainly built in, but uint2 and uint4 aren't and
won't be.  The table in the programmer's guide seems to be confusing.

(If you want unsigned integers, use a check condition on the column

Peter Eisentraut      peter_e@gmx.net       http://yi.org/peter-e/

Re: Built-in Postgres Types as shown in Chap. 4 Programmer's Guide

Tom Lane
oberpwd@anubis.network.com (Wade D. Oberpriller) writes:
> Can anyone point me into the right directions for building PostgreSQL with
> the built-in types that are shown in Chap. 4 of the Programmer's Guide.

> I would like to make use of the uint2/uint4 and float4/float8 datatypes, but
> they don't appear to be automatically built in.

float4/float8 certainly are built in.  I dunno where this table came from,
though, because uint2/uint4 never have existed as SQL-level types AFAIK.
There seem to be some other flights of fancy (or just obsolete info)
in this table as well.

            regards, tom lane