Обсуждение: How to back up large objects?


How to back up large objects?

Chris Carbaugh
I can't seem to figure out how to back up the large ogjects I have in my

Here's the situation:

I insert a large object (via PHP) into my DB.  I also insert a record
into a table that uses the OID of the LO I inserted.  I later expect to
pull the record out of the table, get the OID I stored of the LO, and
then export that object.

The question is:  How do I backup the database including the large
objects?  pg_dump doesn't seem to help me here.  The only way I have
seen to access a large object is teh /lo_export command in psql.

so what is the common usage of large objects?

My main goal is a method of backing up a database that conists of a
table that stores the OID of the large objects, the large objects
themselves, and then restoring all of this to a new DB (whether it's on
the same machine or a different one).  MInd you I have to have the
large objects maintain their origianl OID.

Any input appreciated.


"I think your slogan 'Liberty or Death' is splendid, and whichever one
you decide on will be all right with me."  - Alexander Woollcott

Re: How to back up large objects?


> I can't seem to figure out how to back up the large ogjects I have in my
> DB.

 No way to do this with pg_dump. At least AFAIK. You need something custom,
or just backup the whole DB dir at file level.

> so what is the common usage of large objects?

 Well, you  asked.... :) Personally  I see absolutely  no use for  BLOBs in
99.9% of  cases. As  long as BLOBs  can not be  indexed, searching  on them
makes no sense, and they remain mostly a marketing ploy. Yes, one can put a
whole 2.5 MB AVI clip in a BLOB, but who really needs that? As long as they
are stored  off-page, there's always  some `pumping' involved  (PGSQL basic
functions to  import/export BLOBs do  this) So, if  you can't use  it until
it's converted to a file, why don't keep it as a file all the time?
 This is a personal opinion and I don't claim to posess the final truth.

> My main goal is a method of backing up a database that conists of a
> table that stores the OID of the large objects, the large objects
> themselves

# tar -cf mydb.tar mydb

 Works like a champ ;)



 Well I tried to be meek
  And I have tried to be mild
 But I spat like a woman
  And I sulked like a child
 I have lived behind the walls
  That have made me alone
 Striven for peace
  Which I never have known

 Dire Straits, Brothers In Arms, The Man's Too Strong (Knopfler)