Обсуждение: Postgres ODBC woes


Postgres ODBC woes

"Steve Quezadas"
I am new to postgres and I am having trouble hooking it up to a Microsoft Access database via ODBC. I am able to CONNECT to the postgres database server and have both tables appear in the "tables" section of Access. But once I double click on one of the tables in MIcrosoft Access (which is an empty table), all I get is a completly blank table where I can't even insert a record. When I try double clicking on the other table (which has a single record in it), Access complains "ODBC--call failed" without another explanation dialogue box following it. I don't know why it would fail like that.
Here are a few questions:
1) Where are the postgres log files? I see pg_log in /usr/local/pgsql/data, but it seems to be encrypted or something
2) I notice in /usr/local/pgsql there is a file called "odbcinst.ini". Am I supposed to alter this file?
3) Where in the Postgres manuals does it describe how to install an ODBC connection. I can't seem to find it.

Re: Postgres ODBC woes

Stefan Huber
Hi Steve,

first of all: which ODBC driver do you use? and which PostgreSQL Version?
I've been using Postgers 7.0 and 7.0.2 with postdrv.exe (SFX) for Driver
Version 6.5

>2) I notice in /usr/local/pgsql there is a file called "odbcinst.ini". Am
>I supposed to alter this file?

Normally you don't even need that file.

You should watch out for the SFX-Archive postdrv.exe and install it. Make
sure, all settings are correct for the driver itself: You say, inserting
fails. That's because normally the driver is readonly (this is just a
checkbox to unclick). Are you using a SystemDSN for accessing your
PostgreSQL DB?
Make sure you are allowed to access the database from your Windowscomputer.
