Обсуждение: -B and -o '-S ' options


-B and -o '-S ' options

"Mitch Vincent"
I have several beefy server on which we run PostgreSQL (the nicest a Dual
PIII 800 with 512 megs of RAM).. I just noticed that I didn't tweak the -B
and -o '-S' options any -- though I know this conversation has been on-list
in the past, I couldn't find it in the archives.

I'd like to beef it up some but without going overboard,  many of my queries
do extensive sorting so I think it would benefit from some increased

If I may ask, what are you guys using on your production servers?


Re: -B and -o '-S ' options

"Poul L. Christiansen"
This is from my /etc/rc.d/init/postgres file:
su -l postgres -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -p /usr/bin/postmaster -o
'-B 4096 -i' start >/dev/null 2>&

I'm only using 32MB RAM pr. postmaster, because I allow up to 5
connections from my webserver and PostgreSQL has only 128MB RAM (but it
will have 256 shortly, so I will double that).

Memory tweaking is highly critical to achive a minimum of performance.

Poul L. Christiansen

Mitch Vincent wrote:
> I have several beefy server on which we run PostgreSQL (the nicest a Dual
> PIII 800 with 512 megs of RAM).. I just noticed that I didn't tweak the -B
> and -o '-S' options any -- though I know this conversation has been on-list
> in the past, I couldn't find it in the archives.
> I'd like to beef it up some but without going overboard,  many of my queries
> do extensive sorting so I think it would benefit from some increased
> memory..
> If I may ask, what are you guys using on your production servers?
> -Mitch