Обсуждение: 7.0.2 rpm yields broken os.h symlink


7.0.2 rpm yields broken os.h symlink

Forest Wilkinson
I just installed postgres 7.0.2 on a Red Hat 6.2 system, from the RPM
files.  The installation created a /usr/include/pgsql/os.h symlink, which
points to ".././include/port/linux.h".  This is a broken link.  I found a
"port" directory nearby, but it contains a single empty directory, and no
header files.  How can I correct this symlink?

Re: 7.0.2 rpm yields broken os.h symlink

Lamar Owen
Forest Wilkinson wrote:
> I just installed postgres 7.0.2 on a Red Hat 6.2 system, from the RPM
> files.  The installation created a /usr/include/pgsql/os.h symlink, which
> points to ".././include/port/linux.h".  This is a broken link.  I found a
> "port" directory nearby, but it contains a single empty directory, and no
> header files.  How can I correct this symlink?

By copying the attached linux.h file over top of os.h.

This will be fixed in the next RPM release, which I plan to coincide
with the potential 7.0.3 release, if we have one, or sometime this
weekend, whichever comes first.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11
