Обсуждение: equality operator on CIDR column as primary key


equality operator on CIDR column as primary key

"Mayers, Philip J"
I'm having problems with the CIDR type. I have a table containing a column
of type CIDR, and that is the primary key. The equality operator for the
CIDR type appears to only work once per connection. The following SQL shows
a test case demonstrating the problems.

I'm running stock Redhat 6.2 on an UltraSparc5, and I built PostgreSQL from
the source RPMs available on the website. The version is:

[pjm3@blacklotus postgresql-7.0.2]$ rpm -q postgresql

The problem is clearest in the "select * from test where network =
'192.168/16'" statements. The first works, and the second *exactly the same*
fails. It requires you to disconnect from the database and reconnect in
order for it to work again, and it only works once. This is a problem, since
Zope (my application) caches the open connections.

Any ideas?

FWIW, if the CIDR type is *not* the primary key, it works as expected. As a
quick hack, I can replace the primary key with a SEQUENCE type or something,
but that's not exactly optimal - I suspect this is either a code bug or a
platform-specific bug.

All comments appreciated. If someone can tell my how to even start going
about debugging postgres, I'm willing to step through the code, provide
backtraces, etc. If I think you're trustworthy <G> you can even have a shell
account on the machine in question to look at it. I suspect no-one wants to
do that though... ;o)

============================================== SQL follows

template1=> CREATE DATABASE test;
template1=> \c test
You are now connected to database test.
test=> CREATE TABLE test (network cidr, netcol cidr, PRIMARY KEY(network));
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'test_pkey' for
table 'test'
test=> insert into test (network, netcol) values ('192.168/16',
INSERT 116813 1
test=> insert into test (network, netcol) values ('192.168.1/24',
INSERT 116814 1
test=> select * from test;
   network    |    netcol
 192.168/16   | 192.168/16
 192.168.1/24 | 192.168.3/24
(2 rows)

test=> select * from test where network = '192.168/16';
 network | netcol
(0 rows)

test=> \q
[pjm3@blacklotus postgresql-7.0.2]$ psql test
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

test=> select * from test where network = '192.168/16';
  network   |   netcol
 192.168/16 | 192.168/16
(1 row)

test=> select * from test where network = '192.168/16';
 network | netcol
(0 rows)

test=> select * from test where netcol = '192.168/16';
  network   |   netcol
 192.168/16 | 192.168/16
(1 row)

test=> select * from test where netcol = '192.168/16';
  network   |   netcol
 192.168/16 | 192.168/16
(1 row)



| Phil Mayers, Network Support     |
| Centre for Computing Services    |
| Imperial College                 |

Re: equality operator on CIDR column as primary key

Tom Lane
"Mayers, Philip J" <p.mayers@ic.ac.uk> writes:
> I'm having problems with the CIDR type. I have a table containing a column
> of type CIDR, and that is the primary key. The equality operator for the
> CIDR type appears to only work once per connection.

I'm not quite sure why you are seeing the change in behavior from one
query to the next, but I'm pretty sure of the basic problem: btree
indexes on CIDR/INET types are broken in 7.0.*.  The sort comparison
function used by btree yields results that are inconsistent with the
boolean comparison operators (= < etc), which means that when you probe
into the index with a boolean operator you may be looking in the wrong
part of the index :-(.  This is fixed in current sources for 7.1, but
in the meantime I'd suggest not creating an index on the CIDR column,
which means not making it a primary key.  Or you could hack up
src/backend/utils/adt/network.c to make the boolean operators agree with
network_cmp (easiest way is to make all six of 'em just call network_cmp
and test the sign of the result).  If you do that, plan on dropping/
recreating your CIDR indexes afterwards to be sure they are in the right

            regards, tom lane