Обсуждение: Problems with view


Problems with view

Carsten Zerbst
Hello If got a problem creating a view.

My DB has (among others :-) the following table (shorted a bit):

CREATE TABLE "adressen" (
    "adrid" int4 NOT NULL,
    "name1" character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("adrid")

CREATE TABLE "mitglieder" (
    "mitid" int4 PRIMARY KEY,
    "name" character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    "anschrift" int4 references adressen(adrid),
    "postanschrift" int4 references adressen(adrid),
    "firmenanschrift" int4 references adressen(adrid)

containing now several thousand members of technical society. For
letters etc. I like to combine postgres with Soffice, which works fine.
But I need a view, wich contains something like this:

select mitlieder.name, adressen.name1 where mitglieder.mitid in (some
conditions on the members) and adressen.adrid = the adrid saved in
mitglieder.anschrift of each mitglieder.mitid

The latter is a real pain, I tried it over and over to define a query
which gives me the desired result.

Desired waiting for advice, Carsten

Dipl. Ing. Carsten Zerbst         |   Express your needs for the
                                  |   2. European Tcl Conference 2001 !
zerbst@tu-harburg.de              |
http://www.tu-harburg.de/~skfcz   |   http://www.tu-harburg.de/skf/tcltk