Обсуждение: Putting PGSQL on several disks


Putting PGSQL on several disks

Gilles Cuesta
I'm new on the lists, and i apologize if this subject is out of subject.

I'm installing PostgreSQL on a 4 disks Server.
First is for System only.

And i want to install the bases on the 3 other disks:
- 1 for bases.
- 1 for rollback segs.
- 1 for log/jornaling.

But i couldn't find how to do this ...
Someone has an idea ???

/* Gilles Cuesta
| Europe Explorer - Recherche & Développement
| 385, Rue du mas de Rochet
| 34 170 Castelnau le Lez
| Ingénieur Réseau/Système UNIX
| Equipe Développement
| Email :  gcuesta@europeexplorer.com
| Web   :  http://www.europexplorer.com/
| Tel:
| Fax: */

Re: Putting PGSQL on several disks

Stephan Szabo
Right now the only way to do this is to do a bit of magic
with symlinks out from your postgres data directory.
There's been talk on hackers of various ways to do it, but
I'm not sure if an agreement was reached.

Stephan Szabo

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Gilles Cuesta wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new on the lists, and i apologize if this subject is out of subject.
> I'm installing PostgreSQL on a 4 disks Server.
> First is for System only.
> And i want to install the bases on the 3 other disks:
> - 1 for bases.
> - 1 for rollback segs.
> - 1 for log/jornaling.
> But i couldn't find how to do this ...
> Someone has an idea ???