Обсуждение: date/time functions


date/time functions

Dale Walker
Hi guys,

I'm having trouble with converting a 'seconds' field to

Using reltime, I can get a 'months day hh:mm:ss' representation, which
is very good, but not what I need.

I need to show 'hours' as the largest component..

eg. it wouldn't be uncommon to deal with '2345:23:12' ie 2345 hours, 23
min and 12 sec..

Any suggestions or do I have to write my own function?? if so, does
anyone have any pointers..

Thanks in advance..

Dale Walker                                              dale@icr.com.au
Independent Computer Retailers (ICR)               http://www.icr.com.au
ICRnet                               http://www.icr.net.au

Re: date/time functions

"Len Morgan"
-----Original Message-----
>I'm having trouble with converting a 'seconds' field to
>Using reltime, I can get a 'months day hh:mm:ss' representation, which
>is very good, but not what I need.
>I need to show 'hours' as the largest component..
>eg. it wouldn't be uncommon to deal with '2345:23:12' ie 2345 hours, 23
>min and 12 sec..

You might consider writing your own function using the pgtcl "language" of
Postgres.  It's clock scan/clock format commands are just the ticket for
what you're doing.

len morgan