Обсуждение: PHP Install with Postgres support.


PHP Install with Postgres support.

"Stuart Grimshaw"
I know that this isn't strictly Postgres, but it is "generally" :-)

I'm trying to install PHP with Postgres support, and it falls over because
it can't find libpq-fe.so

What is this file, I assume I need to rebuild Postgres with some option or
other enabled (My install is from the V7 RPM's at the moment).

I've tried the PHP install list, and as yet had no reply, but I'm hoping
that some other Postgres User has had a similar problem.

 Stuart Grimshaw         |
 Schoolsnet LTD          |
 www.schoolsnet.com      |   Special
                         |   Projects
tel: 07976 625221        |   Developer
icq: 509067              |
yahoo: stuartgrimshaw    |

Re: PHP Install with Postgres support.

"J.R. Belding"

I had some problems as well, and I believe what I did is this:

edit /etc/ld.so.conf by appending "/usr/local/pgsql/lib" to the end of
the file

Then I believe you may have to run "ldconfig" (man ldconfig for help)

If this doesn't work, you may try adding the following to /etc/profile
(or the .bash_profile file in your home dir)


You should modify the paths to point at the directory that contains the
pgsql library files on your system.

I'm a novice linux user, so I'm not sure what any of this does really.
But it seemed to work to get PHP installed with pgsql support.

Good Luck.

Stuart Grimshaw wrote:
> I know that this isn't strictly Postgres, but it is "generally" :-)
> I'm trying to install PHP with Postgres support, and it falls over because
> it can't find libpq-fe.so
> What is this file, I assume I need to rebuild Postgres with some option or
> other enabled (My install is from the V7 RPM's at the moment).
> I've tried the PHP install list, and as yet had no reply, but I'm hoping
> that some other Postgres User has had a similar problem.
> ---------------------------------------
>  Stuart Grimshaw         |
>  Schoolsnet LTD          |
>  www.schoolsnet.com      |   Special
>                          |   Projects
> tel: 07976 625221        |   Developer
> icq: 509067              |
> yahoo: stuartgrimshaw    |
>         stuart(at)smgsys.fsnet.co.uk
> ---------------------------------------

Re: PHP Install with Postgres support.

"Stuart Grimshaw"
Thankyou both for the reply, but /usr/local/pgsql doesn't exist on my

I think what I'll do is download the source and install from that. I
installed Postgres before I adopted my policy of installing all software
from source, for these exact reasons.

I'll let you all know how I get on.


 Stuart Grimshaw         |
 Schoolsnet LTD          |
 www.schoolsnet.com      |   Special
                         |   Projects
tel: 07976 625221        |   Developer
icq: 509067              |
yahoo: stuartgrimshaw    |

----- Original Message -----
From: Egon Schmid <eschmid@php.net>
To: Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@smgsys.fsnet.co.uk>
Cc: Postgres-General <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: 22 June 2000 17:43
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PHP Install with Postgres support.

> Stuart Grimshaw wrote:
> >
> > I know that this isn't strictly Postgres, but it is "generally" :-)
> >
> > I'm trying to install PHP with Postgres support, and it falls over
> > it can't find libpq-fe.so
> With a standard PostgreSQL installation libpq-fe.so will be found in
> /usr/local/pgsql/lib. This means you should add this path to
> /etc/ld.so.conf and run as user root "ldconfig -v" and PHP can find
> libpq-fe.so.
> > What is this file, I assume I need to rebuild Postgres with some option
> > other enabled (My install is from the V7 RPM's at the moment).
> Its the frontend shared library. I don't like RPM's because the
> installation location is probably not an default location and therefore
> PHP can't find the libs and headers.
> > I've tried the PHP install list, and as yet had no reply, but I'm hoping
> > that some other Postgres User has had a similar problem.
> Then Richard Lynch have missed your posting.
> -Egon
> --
> SIX Offene Systeme GmbH · Stuttgart  -  Berlin  -  New York
> Sielminger Straße 63   ·    D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
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> PHP-Stand auf Europas grösster Linux-Messe: 'LinuxTag 2000'
> weitere Infos @ http://www.dynamic-webpages.de/

Re: PHP Install with Postgres support.

Lamar Owen
Stuart Grimshaw wrote:

> I know that this isn't strictly Postgres, but it is "generally" :-)

> I'm trying to install PHP with Postgres support, and it falls over because
> it can't find libpq-fe.so

> What is this file, I assume I need to rebuild Postgres with some option or
> other enabled (My install is from the V7 RPM's at the moment).

PHP RPM's are available for RedHat 6.2 that should work with the V7
RPMs.  Barring that, you can set the PHP stuff up to look in
/usr/include/pgsql for its headers, set the library search path to look
in /usr/lib, and note that the database is in /var/lib/pgsql/data.

Of course, if you prefer installing from source....
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

RE: PHP Install with Postgres support.

"Robert D. Nelson"
>I think what I'll do is download the source and install from that. I
>installed Postgres before I adopted my policy of installing all software
>from source, for these exact reasons.

I think in a lot of cases it will be more difficult for you to install from
source, due to multiple dependencies and difficulty of upgrading,
particularly with apache and mods. In any case, the RPM's you need to
install for Postgres and PHP support via Apache under RH6.2 are:


Just thought some people might be interested. When I installed the rpms in
that order, php support was in my .conf files.

Rob Nelson