Обсуждение: why don't this create table work?


why don't this create table work?

marc@oscar.noc.cv.net (User &)
here is the sql:

nnm=> create table nnm_event_limits (
    nnm-> nodename varchar(256) not null,
    nnm-> event_oid  varchar(256) not null,
    nnm-> always_never varchar(1) null,
    nnm-> limit int4);
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "null"

This is converted from openviews table scheema.  here it is without the
trailing null on always_never:
nnm=> create table nnm_event_limits (
    nnm-> nodename varchar(256) not null,
    nnm-> event_oid  varchar(256) not null,
    nnm-> always_never varchar(1) ,
    nnm-> limit int4);
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "limit"

limit is not a reserved word as far as I can tell, any ideas?

I am useing 6.5, got it from PG_VERSION file.

I am new to DB programming in general and Postgres in particular.

Thanks Marc

ps would useing text instead of varchar be a good thing to do?
