Обсуждение: Expiration date.


Expiration date.

"Michal A. Kowalski"

what is the easiest way to check if record in database has expired? I have
records with field CREATED - filled with datetime('now'::abstime) function -
and with field EXPIRE - filled with number of days for which this record
remain valid. Is there any way to add days in EXPIRE to CREATED in proper way
and chceck if this particular record should be deleted using functions
embedded in PgSQL or maybe I should do this outside Pg, maybe in Perl?

--  Michal A. Kowalski  --  http://www.minfo.com.pl -- mak@minfo.com.pl  --

Re: [GENERAL] Expiration date.

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, Michal A. Kowalski wrote:

> Hi,
> what is the easiest way to check if record in database has expired? I have
> records with field CREATED - filled with datetime('now'::abstime) function -
> and with field EXPIRE - filled with number of days for which this record
> remain valid. Is there any way to add days in EXPIRE to CREATED in proper way
> and chceck if this particular record should be deleted using functions
> embedded in PgSQL or maybe I should do this outside Pg, maybe in Perl?

caffeine=> create table tmp ( expdays int4 not null, createdate datetime
not null);
caffeine=> select * from tmp;

     30|Mon Sep 27 02:28:16 1999 EST
      3|Mon Sep 27 02:32:25 1999 EST
     30|Sat Aug 28 02:34:49 1999 EST
     30|Thu Jul 29 02:34:52 1999 EST
(4 rows)

caffeine=> select createdate,expdays, (createdate + (expdays ||
'days')::timespan)::datetime as expire from tmp;

createdate                  |expdays|expire
Mon Sep 27 02:28:16 1999 EST|     30|Wed Oct 27 02:28:16 1999 EST
Mon Sep 27 02:32:25 1999 EST|      3|Thu Sep 30 02:32:25 1999 EST
Sat Aug 28 02:34:49 1999 EST|     30|Mon Sep 27 02:34:49 1999 EST
Thu Jul 29 02:34:52 1999 EST|     30|Sat Aug 28 02:34:52 1999 EST
(4 rows)

caffeine=> select * from tmp where (createdate + (expdays || 'days')::timespan)::datetime < NOW ();

     30|Sat Aug 28 02:34:49 1999 EST
     30|Thu Jul 29 02:34:52 1999 EST
(2 rows)

like that ?

Howie <caffeine@toodarkpark.org>   URL: http://www.toodarkpark.org
"Just think how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live there."