Обсуждение: Problem with "'"


Problem with "'"

Nathan Fain
This would a Q better suited for a perl/DBI group but I couldn't find

The problem I am having concerns a bug a found when using PostgreSQL
w/Perl and the DBI::Pg module.

The problem has do do with he following statement:

$create = $db-handle->prepare(q{
    CREATE TABLE ? values (one text, two text)});
$name = "tablename";

# my syntax could be off, i doesn't look it though

The problem is when execute() does its thing it passes the $name with
surrounding "'"s. The CREATE TABLE statement changes to:
CREATE TABLE 'tablename' values (one text, two text);

this causes a error. Seems as though postgreSQL doesn't like the name
given to the table with the single quotation marks around it.

if I do this:


it will create a table named 'tablename' in the database (including the
single quotes).

I've tried changing the q{ } to qq{ } and it didn't help. This seems like
a bug, or is it a feature? Was wondering if anyone else had any ideas.

Thanks in advanced.

- Nathan