Обсуждение: RV: Serial fields


RV: Serial fields

"Pablo Sentis"
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Pablo Sentis <grupoitem@ctv.es>
Para: PostgreSQL mailing list <pgsql-general@postgreSQL>
Fecha: viernes, 20 de agosto de 1999 11:59
Asunto: Serial fields

Hi All!
Working with PostgreSQL 6.5.1 on Intel platf.
I´m trying to migrate an Acces database to postgress . First of all I´ve created the database structure in the Postgres machine with SQL table creation statements and this works properly . But the problem comes when I try to transfer the data via a flat file : If I try to do (from a Windows program) the data transfer when the table has a serial field , even though the original data is written in the postgres table all subsequent INSERTS from psql get a 'Duplicate index' error .  In the exported flat file  included the original serial values :
MDB             TEXT FILE                    POSTG table
====             =======                   ========
1, NAME1     1, NAME1                  1, NAME1  
2, NAME2     2, NAME2                  2, NAME2
3, NAME3     3, NAME3                  3, NAME3               
5, NAME5     5, NAME5                  5, NAME5
After this if I try an INSERT :  INSERT INTO table   (NAME) values ('NAME6')   I get the error
Of course I know I should not write on a read-only field so as
I need to import the original serial values as they are referrenced in other tables in the database
If I don´t do this I´ll get:
MDB             TEXT FILE                    POSTG table
====             =======                   ========
1, NAME1      NAME1                     1, NAME1  
2, NAME2      NAME2                     2, NAME2
3, NAME3      NAME3                     3, NAME3               
5, NAME5      NAME5                     4, NAME5
losing all integrity.
A partial solution was to export into the flat file an empty line for every deleted record:
MDB             TEXT FILE                    POSTG table
====             =======                   ========
1, NAME1      NAME1                     1, NAME1  
2, NAME2      NAME2                     2, NAME2
3, NAME3      NAME3                     3, NAME3               
---------------      FOO                         4, FOO
5, NAME5      NAME5                     5, NAME5
Deleting after transfer all records where name = 'FOO' , so I get
Data in Acces                    Data in
MDB                                 POSTG table
====                                ========
1, NAME1                        1, NAME1  
2, NAME2                        2, NAME2
3, NAME3                        3, NAME3               
5, NAME5                        5, NAME5
as I wanted. 
A now the question is: How can I do the same procedure with the COPY FROM SQL statement? . Having 100.000 registers is really expensive to do all the INSERT statements . I don´t know how to build the flat file as I always get an error as the COPY FROM procedure seems to expect the serial field too . A parser error apears 'around NAME1' and crashes ...
I don´t if I have been able to explain myself (as I´m writting from Spain and my English is still pathetic) but any help will be welcome,
                                            Regards from a sunny and almost boiling Alicante , Spain

Re: [GENERAL] RV: Serial fields

"Ross J. Reedstrom"
On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 12:52:20PM +0200, Pablo Sentis wrote:
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Pablo Sentis <grupoitem@ctv.es>
> Para: PostgreSQL mailing list <pgsql-general@postgreSQL>
> Fecha: viernes, 20 de agosto de 1999 11:59
> Asunto: Serial fields
> Hi All!
> Working with PostgreSQL 6.5.1 on Intel platf.
> I´m trying to migrate an Acces database to postgress . First of all I´ve created the database structure in the
Postgresmachine with SQL table creation statements and this works properly . But the problem comes when I try to
transferthe data via a flat file : If I try to do (from a Windows program) the data transfer when the table has a
serialfield , even though the original data is written in the postgres table all subsequent INSERTS from psql get a
'Duplicateindex' error .  In the exported flat file  included the original serial values : 
> MDB             TEXT FILE                    POSTG table
> ====             =======                   ========
> 1, NAME1     1, NAME1                  1, NAME1
> 2, NAME2     2, NAME2                  2, NAME2
> 3, NAME3     3, NAME3                  3, NAME3
> 5, NAME5     5, NAME5                  5, NAME5
> After this if I try an INSERT :  INSERT INTO table   (NAME) values ('NAME6')   I get the error
> Of course I know I should not write on a read-only field so as
> I need to import the original serial values as they are referrenced in other tables in the database

Ah, I think here lies the answer to solving your confusion. Serial
fields in PostgreSQL are different than 'automatic' fields in MS-Access:
they're _not_ readonly. Instead, they're just and int4 field with a
special default value that comes from a sequence.

For example, lets say you do this:

CREATE TABLE mynames ( nameid serial, name text);

insert into mynames (name) values ('Fred');
insert into mynames (name) values ('Angela');

if you dump the database with this table you'll see:

CREATE SEQUENCE "mynames_nameid_seq" start 2 increment 1 maxvalue
2147483647 minvalue 1  cache 1 ;
SELECT nextval ('mynames_nameid_seq');

These two lines create the sequence associated with your serial field,
and set it's start value to the maximum value already in use.

CREATE TABLE "mynames" (
        "nameid" int4 DEFAULT nextval('mynames_nameid_seq') NOT NULL,
        "name" text);

This creates the table.

COPY "mynames" FROM stdin;
1       Fred
2       Angela

Note that the COPY reads in the serial values as well.

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "mynames_nameid_key" on "mynames" using btree (
"nameid" "int4_ops" );

And this index makes sure you don't reuse a serial value.

When you _do_ insert and set a serial field to a particular value, it's good
to reset the sequence, to make sure you don't get errors, like so:

select setval('mynames_nameid_seq',max(nameid)) from mynames;

I need to do this sort of thing  when I recreate a sequence, or sometimes
after deleting a lot of test records, I'll do it to not have big gaps
in my serials.

Hope this helps,
>                                             Regards from a sunny and almost boiling Alicante , Spain

Ah, got you beat there, Houston _is_ boiling!

Ross J. Reedstrom, Ph.D., <reedstrm@rice.edu>
NSBRI Research Scientist/Programmer
Computer and Information Technology Institute
Rice University, 6100 S. Main St.,  Houston, TX 77005