Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] Old Versions?


Re: [GENERAL] Old Versions?

lynch@cognitivearts.com (Richard Lynch)
At 9:49 AM 6/17/99, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
>On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Richard Lynch wrote:
>> I want to configure my new laptop to have the same versions of software as
>> my ISP has, which would mean PostgreSQL 6.3.2
>Ack...an ISP is actually *still* running v6.3.2?? :(

I'm the only user actually using it.  He's being extremely conservative in
upgrading, since he's using it for his accounting/management.  He's letting
me piggy-back on it.

>> Alas, my attempts to locate a PostgreSQL 6.3.2 gz have been futile.
>Can't help from here...I have old 6.1.x and 6.2.x archives that someone
>sent me, but nothing from the 6.3.x series :(

I found it on sunsite (I'm pretty sure), eventually, while looking for
something else.

If you want it for archives, and can't find it there, I can make it
available somewhere.


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