Обсуждение: 2 gig limitation?


2 gig limitation?

jim@reptiles.org (Jim Mercer)
i've noticed that one of our databases looks a bit strange:

-rw-------  1 pgsql  pgsql  2147483648 Apr 28 23:06 gt
-rw-------  1 pgsql  pgsql   171073536 Apr 29 08:28 gt.1

is there some strange thing that happens when a database exceeds 2 gig in size?

i have a nightly process which selects the previous 30 days data into a
new table, then does a:
alter table rename gt to gt_old;
alter table rename gt_new to gt;
create unique index gt_index on some_field;

the create index failed.

[ Jim Mercer    Reptilian Research      jim@reptiles.org   +1 416 410-5633 ]
[ The telephone, for those of you who  have forgotten, was a commonly used ]
[ communications technology in the days before electronic mail.            ]
[ They're still easy to find in most large cities. -- Nathaniel Borenstein ]

Re: [GENERAL] 2 gig limitation?

jim@reptiles.org (Jim Mercer)
> i've noticed that one of our databases looks a bit strange:
> -rw-------  1 pgsql  pgsql  2147483648 Apr 28 23:06 gt
> -rw-------  1 pgsql  pgsql   171073536 Apr 29 08:28 gt.1
> is there some strange thing that happens when a database exceeds 2 gig in
> size?
> i have a nightly process which selects the previous 30 days data into a
> new table, then does a:
> alter table rename gt to gt_old;
> alter table rename gt_new to gt;
> create unique index gt_index on some_field;
> the create index failed.

further investigation:

i suspect what happend was that the gt table exceeded 2gig at some point.
this created physical files gt and gt.1

i did all of my selects from gt into gt_new.

my suspicion:

when i did the table rename, it only renamed the gt_new file, not the gt_new.1.
then my table was physically gt (previously gt_new) and gt.1 (the original).

[ Jim Mercer    Reptilian Research      jim@reptiles.org   +1 416 410-5633 ]
[ The telephone, for those of you who  have forgotten, was a commonly used ]
[ communications technology in the days before electronic mail.            ]
[ They're still easy to find in most large cities. -- Nathaniel Borenstein ]