Обсуждение: Vacuum Crash


Vacuum Crash

lynch@cognitivearts.com (Richard Lynch)
PostgreSQL 6.3.2 said:

NOTICE:  BlowawayRelationBuffers(places, 322): block 336 is referenced
(private 0, last 0, global 1)
FATAL 1:  VACUUM (vc_rpfheap): BlowawayRelationBuffers returned -2

And now I need to go find the vacuum lock file and blow it away, but I
don't really understand the above message, so wanna ask if I need to worry
about it...

-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@cognitivearts.com   webmaster@  and www. all of:
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Re: [GENERAL] Vacuum Crash

Vadim Mikheev
Richard Lynch wrote:
> PostgreSQL 6.3.2 said:
> NOTICE:  BlowawayRelationBuffers(places, 322): block 336 is referenced
> (private 0, last 0, global 1)
> FATAL 1:  VACUUM (vc_rpfheap): BlowawayRelationBuffers returned -2
> And now I need to go find the vacuum lock file and blow it away, but I
> don't really understand the above message, so wanna ask if I need to worry
> about it...

Restart postmaster, remove pg_vlock file and run vacuum again.


pg_dump core dumps

Ari Halberstadt
Using pg_dump with 6.5b1 on solaris sparc, crashes with a core dump.

This means I can't keep backups and I can't upgrade my data model without
being able to export the old data.

If one of the developers wants debug info let me know what you need (e.g.,
what commands to run in gdb--though I'll have to install this or get run
permissions from the sysadmin).

-- Ari Halberstadt mailto:ari@shore.net <http://www.magiccookie.com/>
PGP public key available at <http://www.magiccookie.com/pgpkey.txt>