Обсуждение: Can PostgreSQL handle this?


Can PostgreSQL handle this?

I am considering moving our corporate data base from goldmine to an SQL
server. PostgreSQL is high on the list mainly because of the price, ODBC,
perl, and Java support.
But I would really need to have several k worth of Note, several k worth of
history, and I would like to scan in their contract. I am guessing that I
would be looking at between 10000 up to 100000 rows of data with less than
100 rows.  Can PostgreSQL handle this?

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Re: [GENERAL] Can PostgreSQL handle this?

The Hermit Hacker
On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, David wrote:

> I am considering moving our corporate data base from goldmine to an SQL
> server. PostgreSQL is high on the list mainly because of the price, ODBC,
> perl, and Java support.
> But I would really need to have several k worth of Note, several k worth of
> history, and I would like to scan in their contract. I am guessing that I
> would be looking at between 10000 up to 100000 rows of data with less than
> 100 rows.  Can PostgreSQL handle this?

    Yes, compared to what some ppl are doing, that is just a small
database :)

Marc G. Fournier
Systems Administrator @ hub.org
primary: scrappy@hub.org           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org