Обсуждение: WWW Access


WWW Access

"Matthew T. O'Connor"
Hello, I am new to PostgreSQL, and I am trying to learn how to connect
to the database via a web server.  Is there a Pearl / CGI interface?
What other options do I have?

Thank you much,

Matt O'Connor

Re: [GENERAL] WWW Access

Billy Donahue

On Thu, 28 May 1998, Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:

> Hello, I am new to PostgreSQL, and I am trying to learn how to connect
> to the database via a web server.  Is there a Pearl / CGI interface?
> What other options do I have?
> Thank you much,
> Matt O'Connor

Try typing "perldoc CGI" at your neighborhood command line.
Then go to www.postgresql.org and get the Pg module.

"The Funk, the whole Funk, and nothing but the Funk."
Billy Donahue

Pg.pm and friends

Mark Pulver
Billy Donahue (10:23 PM 5/28/98) wrote:

>Try typing "perldoc CGI" at your neighborhood command line.
>Then go to www.postgresql.org and get the Pg module.

Along these lines...

I just moved my website to a provider with Postgres, and they are a bit
(well, _WAY_) behind the eight ball when it comes to having their Red Hat
based system fully happening. eg, It took *me* to tell them about the
"createuser" command and how to answer the prompts. And I had never used
Postgres before! (mSQL, Sybase, Oracle, MS SQL Server, abd DB2 but not

Anyway, I'm in a situation now where I'm trying to compile the Pg.pm module
that I pulled from CPAN, and have run into a couple of snags. One was
another example of the hosting services trouble in general as they have
postgres installed in /usr/bin and they didn't have the POSTGRESHOME env
var defined. I got the Makefile.PL script to find Postgres, and now I'm on
to the C compile.

Can ya' guess what's missing? Yup... libpq-fe.h and postgres.h probably
more that I have yet to find out about.

So... is there someplace that I can pull these files without having to pull
the full source tree, or can I possibly please impose on someone to
spoonfeed me files as I need them for a day or two? A possible alternative
is to get the Pg object module from someone who's already compiled it for
an Intel based ("i686") install of Red Hat 5.0. :)

The support folks at the hosting service, as you may imagine, are not
really too egar to get involved at this level. Yes, I could move my website
again, but this would be the third time in two months and I think the
InterNIC is getting a bit tired of seeing my name on their todo list.

Oh... and yes, I did actually check out this hosting service before I moved
here. They told me "For SQL access from a *NIX host we have PostgreSQL
installed and you can have access to it. We have other customers using it
now". Ummm, that would be why there's (now) only two databases installed on
the server - mine and template1. ARGH!

Thanks all...

Mark Pulver
Mark Pulver - Home of the "MIDI 2nd Bedroom Featuring the Modular Closet"
 http://www.midiwall.com - Nord Mod: http://www.midiwall.com/nordmodular