Обсуждение: About oids


About oids

Philip Bierhoff

I can't find any documentation on this in manuals and FAQ. I store some
files in a database, which I access through JDBC from a Java application.
Now I want to delete some of these entries. Issuing


does only remove the oids from the table, but the file still remains on my
disk (I checked the data/base/ dir and the "xinv" and "xinx" files are
still there.). I did some research and found out that the function
lo_unlink removes the files. However, the parameter of lo_unlink is an int4,
and not an oid. There is no function to convert oid to int4.

So, can someone tell me how I should implement a (non working) query like

 SELECT lo_unlink(f) FROM files WHERE title = 'test.txt'

Thanks in advance


Re: [GENERAL] About oids

Peter Mount
On Sat, 23 May 1998, Philip Bierhoff wrote:

> Hello,
> I can't find any documentation on this in manuals and FAQ. I store some
> files in a database, which I access through JDBC from a Java application.
> Now I want to delete some of these entries. Issuing
>  DELETE FROM files
> does only remove the oids from the table, but the file still remains on my
> disk (I checked the data/base/ dir and the "xinv" and "xinx" files are
> still there.). I did some research and found out that the function
> lo_unlink removes the files. However, the parameter of lo_unlink is an int4,
> and not an oid. There is no function to convert oid to int4.
> So, can someone tell me how I should implement a (non working) query like
> this:
>  SELECT lo_unlink(f) FROM files WHERE title = 'test.txt'

The ImageViewer example does this by deleting the row from the table, then
issuing the lo_unlink() seperately.

You can also do this using triggers, but you have to define the trigger
in C, declare it for each table, and it doesn't support inheritance.

It's on the TODO list (and claimed by me), for a proper large object type,
 so that the DELETE FROM files query will delete the large object at the
same time.

Peter T Mount peter@retep.org.uk or petermount@earthling.net
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