Обсуждение: User's Guide Reorganization Plan


User's Guide Reorganization Plan

Peter Eisentraut
I'm reorganizing the User's Guide (slightly) to "make room" for
descriptions of new features such as schemas, new privileges, dependency
tracking, and also to allow the book to be read approximately

Here's the new Table of Contents:

1. Syntax [no change]
2. Data Definition

Covers table creation, constraints, schemas, privileges, touches on views.
I've started to write this.

3. Data Manipulation

Insert, Update, Delete, a bit about rules and triggers.  Not written yet.

4. Queries [no change]
5. Data Types [no change]
6. Functions and Operators [no change]
7. Type Conversion

Add information about new cast system here.  I don't think this should
really be a chapter of its own, but it's unclear where else it would

[Move Arrays chapter into 5. Data Types]

8. Indexes [no change]

[Move Inheritance chapter into 2. Data Definition]

9. Concurrency Control
10. Performance Tips

A snippet about databases will be put into 2. Data Definition, where it
fits together with schemas.  The rest will be deferred to the Admin Guide.


Peter Eisentraut   peter_e@gmx.net