Обсуждение: Oid and Oid Vector


Oid and Oid Vector

camilarrocha@hotmail.com (Camila Rocha)

I'd like to know why the field Oid can't be used as a foreign key. And
more information about the type oidvector. What is
it??????????????????? I can't find information about it anywhere.

I'm asking these questions because i wanted to use the oid field as
primary key of may tables, and relate them using the oid too. I i
wanted to use the oidvector for this kind of things too.




Re: Oid and Oid Vector

Roberto Mello
On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 12:58:37PM -0700, Camila Rocha wrote:
> Hi!

Oi :-)

> I'd like to know why the field Oid can't be used as a foreign key. And

oid is for PostgreSQL internal use, and AFAIK not meant to have other
semantic meaning applied to it. oid's change when you restore backups for
example, probably not a good thing for your application.

Just create id attributes in your tables. Make them of type int or int8 or
serial depending on your needs.

> more information about the type oidvector. What is
> it??????????????????? I can't find information about it anywhere.

Honestly I don't know.

> I'm asking these questions because i wanted to use the oid field as
> primary key of may tables, and relate them using the oid too. I i
> wanted to use the oidvector for this kind of things too.

What did you want to do with oidvectors?


P.S.: Next time don't send this type of questions to the -docs list, which
is for documentation discussions. The -general (which you seem to have
cross-posted to) or the -sql list seem more appropriate.

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  Roberto Mello - Computer Science, USU - http://www.brasileiro.net/
       http://www.sdl.usu.edu/ - Space Dynamics Lab, Developer