Обсуждение: postgres reference


postgres reference

"Listiana Tri Rahayu"
First, let me introduce my self to you. I am a student of computer department in Diponegoro University Indonesia. I am
interestedin web database programming. I used to make program under windows, but now, I want to make it under Linux.
It'smy final assignment. I want to make an application about web database using CGI. In this case, I use RedHat Linux
5.1,Perl 5, Postgres Database, Apache for the server and Netscape for the browser. Now, I am doing the final report. I
tookPostgres database as my main topic. But,so far, I can't find Postgres reference that explain the advantages of
POstgrescompairing with the other web database. I can't find the complete reference of Postgres. I just find the
referencein Postgres User guide (user's guide, programmer's guide and from Postgres tutorial). I hope you can inform me
Please help me, this is very important to me. I look forward to your reply. Please forgive me for annoying you. Thank
youfor your kindness. 


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