Обсуждение: initdb:failed



I follow this instructions: Installing PostgreSQL on
Windows Using Cygwin FAQ

  but after issuing the command:

   initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -W -E LATIN1
   an error occured.

Signal 12
selecting default shared_buffers... Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
Signal 12
creating configuration files... ok
creating template1 database in
/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1... Signal 12

initdb: failed

 Pls. help thanks!

 OS:Windows 98
    Cygwin with cygipc package


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Re: initdb:failed

Juliano Francisco Angeli

 Happened the same thing with me.
 I did not obtain to find the error.
 I installed postgres vers.  8 that he is native for Windows.

 I do not know if somebody I obtained to arrange this problem!

*         Juliano Francisco Angeli              *
*           jf.angeli@faccat.br                 *
* http://fit.faccat.br/~julianoangeli/principal *
*     http://fit.faccat.br/~julianoangeli       *

Citando JUN LEYRITANA <miguel_moira@yahoo.com>:

-> I follow this instructions: Installing PostgreSQL on
-> Windows Using Cygwin FAQ
->   but after issuing the command:
->    initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -W -E LATIN1
->    an error occured.
-> Signal 12
-> 10
-> selecting default shared_buffers... Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> 50
-> creating configuration files... ok
-> creating template1 database in
-> /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1... Signal 12
-> initdb: failed
->  Pls. help thanks!
->  OS:Windows 98
->     Cygwin with cygipc package
-> jun
-> __________________________________
-> Do you Yahoo!?
-> Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
-> http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail
-> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
-> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

É tempo de inspiração  -  Vestibular FACCAT
Inscrições: até 24 de junho
Provas    : 26 de junho
Mais informações http://www.faccat.br

Re: initdb:failed

Roland Walter

> I follow this instructions: Installing PostgreSQL on
> Windows Using Cygwin FAQ
>   but after issuing the command:
>    initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -W -E LATIN1
>    an error occured.
> Signal 12
> 10
> selecting default shared_buffers... Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> Signal 12
> 50
> creating configuration files... ok
> creating template1 database in
> /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1... Signal 12
> initdb: failed
>  Pls. help thanks!
>  OS:Windows 98
>     Cygwin with cygipc package

Which version of Cygwin and PostgreSQL do you use?
This is an indication, that there is no access to
shared memory. Either cygipc is not running, or
the database uses already the cygserver instead of
cypipc and the cygserver is not running and the
environment variable CYGWIN does not contain the
value 'server'. Cygserver is included in the cygwin-
package, that means is installed by default.

If you installed the PostgreSQL package from
Cygwin, you have to use the cygserver, and not cygipc.

If you compiled PostgreSQL yourself and cygipc was installed
cygipc is used by the database. But it is better to deinstall
cygipc before compiling, so cygserver will be used. You
need at least PostgreSQL 7.4.x for that.

Roland Walter
Telefon: 02225/882-411 Fax: 02225/882-201
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