Обсуждение: WWW.SAI.MSU.SU:8000



Christine Hall
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600"><tr><td><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif"size="2">Hi<br /><br /> I visited <a href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net">WWW.SAI.MSU.SU:8000</a>, and
noticedthat you're not listed on some search engines! I think we can offer you a service which can help you increase
trafficand the number of visitors to your website.<br /><br /> I would like to introduce you to <a
href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net">TrafficMagnet.net</a>.We offer a unique technology that will submit your website to
over300,000 search engines and directories every month.<br /><br /></font><table align="center" border="0"
cellpadding="0"cellspacing="0" width="398"><tr><td><a href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net"><img border="0" height="136"
src="http://image10.trafficmagnet.net/image/logo.gif"width="137" /></a></td><td><a
href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net"><imgborder="1" height="141"
src="http://image10.trafficmagnet.net/imagenew/SC172/004/077/ggi.jpg"width="197" /></a></td><td valign="bottom"><a
href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net"><imgborder="0" height="136" src="http://image10.trafficmagnet.net/image/signup.gif"
width="62"/></a></td></tr></table><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><br /> You'll be
surprisedby the low cost, and by how effective this website promotion method can be. <br /><br /> To find out more
aboutTrafficMagnet and the cost for submitting your website to over 300,000 search engines and directories, visit <a
href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net">www.TrafficMagnet.net</a>.<br /><br /> I would love to hear from you. <br /><br
/><br/> Best Regards,<br /><br /> Christine Hall <br /> Sales and Marketing <br /> E-mail: christine@trafficmagnet.net
<br/><a href="http://www.trafficmagnet.net">http://www.TrafficMagnet.net</a> </font></td></tr></table>