Обсуждение: pgsql-server/src backend/executor/spi.c backen ...


pgsql-server/src backend/executor/spi.c backen ...

tgl@postgresql.org (Tom Lane)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    tgl@postgresql.org    03/04/27 16:09:45

Modified files:
    src/backend/executor: spi.c
    src/backend/optimizer/util: clauses.c
    src/backend/parser: parse_type.c parser.c scan.l
    src/backend/postmaster: pgstat.c
    src/backend/tcop: postgres.c
    src/include/parser: gramparse.h parser.h
    src/include    : pgstat.h
    src/include/tcop: tcopprot.h

Log message:
    Put back encoding-conversion step in processing of incoming queries;
    I had inadvertently omitted it while rearranging things to support
    length-counted incoming messages.  Also, change the parser's API back
    to accepting a 'char *' query string instead of 'StringInfo', as the
    latter wasn't buying us anything except overhead.  (I think when I put
    it in I had some notion of making the parser API 8-bit-clean, but
    seeing that flex depends on null-terminated input, that's not really
    ever gonna happen.)