Обсуждение: pgsql-server/contrib README dblink/README.dbli ...


pgsql-server/contrib README dblink/README.dbli ...

momjian@postgresql.org (Bruce Momjian - CVS)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    momjian@postgresql.org    02/09/02 02:13:31

Modified files:
    contrib        : README
    contrib/dblink : README.dblink dblink.c dblink.h dblink.sql.in

Log message:
    Attached is a fairly sizeable update to contrib/dblink. I'd love to get
    review/feedback if anyone is interested and can spend the time. But I'd
    also love to get this committed and address changes as incremental
    patches ;-), so if there are no objections, please apply.

    Below I'll give a synopsis of the changes. More detailed descriptions
    are now in a new doc directory under contrib/dblink. There is also a new

    dblink.test.sql file which will give a pretty good overview of the
    functions and their use.

    Joe Conway