Обсуждение: pgsql/src/backend/regex regcomp.c


pgsql/src/backend/regex regcomp.c

momjian@postgresql.org (Bruce Momjian - CVS)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    momjian@postgresql.org    02/04/23 21:51:11

Modified files:
    src/backend/regex: regcomp.c

Log message:
    [ Patch comments in three pieces.]

    Attached is a pacth against 7.2 which adds locale awareness to the
    character classes of the regular expression engine.


    > > I still think the xdigit class could be handled the same way the digit
    > > class is (by enumeration rather than using the isxdigit function). That
    > > saves you a cicle, and I don't think there's any loss.
    > In fact, I will email you when I apply the original patch.

    I miss that case :-(. Here is the pached patch.


    Here is a patch which addresses Tatsuo's concerns (it does return an
    static struct instead of constructing it).