Обсуждение: Installation problems


Installation problems

Don Fox
I am having  installation problems with postrgesql on my mac. I'v
tried MacPorts, your site and PostgreSQLforMac. I've tried 8.3.7 and
the most current version. After each install I'm unable to locate any
actual access to the DB. When installing from the disk image I'm told
that the data-base cluster is not found or was improperly installed.

I'm attempting to set up GNUmed, postgresql and the most appropriate
version of python.

The mac i'm using is a MacBookPro with 2gig of memory running Leopard.

Thanks for any assistance
Don Fox

Re: Installation problems

Robert Haas
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Don Fox<donfox1@mac.com> wrote:
> I am having =A0installation problems with postrgesql on my mac. I'v tried
> MacPorts, your site and PostgreSQLforMac. I've tried 8.3.7 and the most
> current version. After each install I'm unable to locate any actual access
> to the DB. When installing from the disk image I'm told that the data-base
> cluster is not found or was improperly installed.
> I'm attempting to set up GNUmed, postgresql and the most=A0appropriate=A0=
> of python.
> The mac i'm using is a MacBookPro with 2gig of memory running Leopard.
> Thanks for any assistance
> Don Fox

This doesn't really sound like a bug, so you might want to try
pgsql-novice or pgsql-general.  I'm not sure what you mean by "locate
any actual access to the DB".  Normally, you get access to the DB by
running the "psql" program from the command line.  But if there is
some error that you are getting then you should tell us (or one of the
above mailing lists) what it is.

Good luck,
