Обсуждение: Re: BUG #3309: The limitation for number of connection with ODBC driver


Re: BUG #3309: The limitation for number of connection with ODBC driver

Stefan Kaltenbrunner
[added -bugs back to the CC]

Dmitry Dmitriev wrote:
> Stefan,
> Thank you for quick response.
> I guess that this problem with ODBC driver.
> The following file fragment psqlodbc.h  from official PostgreSQL web site:
> http://wwwmaster.postgresql.org/download/mirrors-ftp?file=%2Fodbc%2Fversions%2Fsrc%2Fpsqlodbc-08.02.0400.tar.gz
> ...
>  #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN    65536  /* This puts a limit on
>              * query size but I don't */
>  /* see an easy way round this - DJP 24-1-2001 */
> #define MAX_CONNECT_STRING   4096
> #define ERROR_MSG_LENGTH   4096
> #define FETCH_MAX     100 /* default number of rows to cache
>            * for declare/fetch */
> #define TUPLE_MALLOC_INC   100
> #define SOCK_BUFFER_SIZE   4096  /* default socket buffer
>              * size */
> *#define MAX_CONNECTIONS    128 /* conns per environment
>            * (arbitrary) */
> *#define MAX_FIELDS     512
> #define BYTELEN      8
> #define VARHDRSZ     sizeof(Int4)
> ...
> We need at least 2048 connections for our application.
> Unfortunately I don't have possibilities to build this driver myself.
> Can you help to solve this issue.

2048 connections sounds excessive - but in any way you might want to
complain to the ODBC-guys at http://pgfoundry.org/projects/psqlodbc/
about that - there is an active mailinglist and a bug tracker available too.
