Обсуждение: BUG #2029: Error descriptions appear untranslated


BUG #2029: Error descriptions appear untranslated

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2029
Logged by:          Antonio
Email address:      psql@msux.cjb.net
PostgreSQL version: 8.1
Operating system:   windows
Description:        Error descriptions appear untranslated

- Using Access 2000 connected via psqlODBC 08.01.0100 to PostgreSQL 8.1 for
windows, when errors appeared to the user in Access, they did it in English.
For example one error message that warned you that another row had the same

Expected results:
- The error message should be in Spanish, as that was the specified in
"Locale" when installing PostgreSQL.

Additional installation details:
- Also, when installing PostgreSQL, the selected "Encoding" was 1252.
- Later, it was tried uninstalling it and installing it with the selected
"Encoding" LATIN9, but the results were the same.

Additional coments:
- In the postgresql.conf of the server, the installation program put:
     lc_messages = 'Spanish_Spain.1252'
But we changed this line to
     lc_messages = 'es_ES.1252'
And it worked! Error messages to the user were in Spanish language (warning
him that the primary key value can not be repeated, and so on).

I'm available to do whatever tryings are needed.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for it all!