Обсуждение: rc4 and rc3, some deleted, but still needed text in the documentation, please put it back again


rc4 and rc3, some deleted, but still needed text in the documentation, please put it back again

Christoph Becker
If PostgreSQL is intalled with native language support with the windows
installer and
if German is used as locale, local characters like Umlaute are displayed
wrong in the windows command window. In PG-Admin's Helpfile, which is
from beta5, but no longer in the documentation of version rc3 and rc4,
the following advice can be found:

psql is compiled as a “console application”. As the Windows console
windows use a different encoding than the rest of the system, you must
take special care when using 8-bit characters at the psql prompt. When
psql detects a problematic console code page, it will warn you at
startup. To change the console code page, two things are neccessary:


      Set the code page by entering cmd.exe /c chcp 1252. (1252 is a
      code page that is appropriate for German; replace it with your
      value.) If you are using Cygwin, you can put this command in


      Set the console font to “Lucida Console”, because the raster font
      does not work with the ANSI code page.

This effectivly cures the problem. Thus, the above text should be placed
back into the documentation.
The file to be changed back is:

Perhaps on Windows, PostgreSQL should itself send "cmd.exe /c chcp 1252"
to the console if needed.
Perhaps it is trying to do this but it does not work in my case. This
would explain why the documentation was changed.

Christoph Becker