Обсуждение: [Fwd: Re: misc/72498: Libc timestamp code on jailed SMP machine generates incorrect results]


[Fwd: Re: misc/72498: Libc timestamp code on jailed SMP machine generates incorrect results]

Justin Clift
Hi all,

Does anyone have further input on this?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Justin Clift wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> [Fwd: Re: misc/72498: Libc timestamp code on jailed SMP machine
> generates incorrect results]
> From:
> Justin Clift <jc@telstra.net>
> Date:
> Tue, 12 Oct 2004 10:47:30 +1000
> To:
> pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org
> Hi guys,
> Following up on the bug I posted the other day about incorrect
> timestamps, the FreeBSD team are wondering if it might be caused by
> conflicting PostgreSQL instances in different FreeBSD jails on the same
> host machine.
> However, we've noticed no other problems with this configuration over
> the last several and I was under the impression this is a fairly common
> scenario.
> Is anyone able to verify or deny that PostgreSQL instances in different
> jails (each with their own IP address) will not corrupt each other?  I'm
> aware they allocate shared memory from a "global pool" of it as made
> available on the host system, but have been under the impression
> PostgreSQL is coded to not corrupt in this kind of situation.
> Regards and best wishes,
> Justin Clift
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: misc/72498: Libc timestamp code on jailed SMP machine
> generates   incorrect results
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 09:33:38 +0200
> From: Uwe Doering <gemini@geminix.org>
> Organization: Private UNIX Site
> To: Justin Clift <jc@telstra.net>
> CC: freebsd-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.org
> References: <200410110202.i9B228Ye060291@www.freebsd.org>
> Justin Clift wrote:
>>> Environment:
>> FreeBSD was-dev.telstra.net 4.10-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE #0: Fri
>> Jun 25 14:23:42 EST 2004
>> root@verdelho.telstra.net:/usr/src/sys/compile/1GB_SHARED_V3  i386
>>> Description:
>> We're using PostgreSQL 7.4.5 in an SMP jailed environment on FreeBSD
>> 4.10.
>> Inside this jail PostgreSQL is configured to output timestamp
>> information in it's log file entries.  There appears to be a bug in
>> the timestamp generation code, as for hours above 9 oclock (10am and
>> onwards) the timestamp's being generated are occasionally incorrect:
>> [...]
> Do you happen to run more than one instance of PostgreSQL on that
> machine, each in its own jail?  If so, are you aware that jails don't
> have separate SysV shared resources (memory regions etc.), at least not
> in FreeBSD's original 4.x implementation?  In this scenario your problem
> might be caused by clashing PostgreSQL instances, and you're likely to
> be in for more serious problems than just time stamp corruption.
> Just an educated guess, of course.
>    Uwe