Обсуждение: BUG #1223: RedHat Linux 8


BUG #1223: RedHat Linux 8

"PostgreSQL Bugs List"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      1223
Logged by:          Shigeaki Momose

Email address:      sig_momose@yahoo.co.jp

PostgreSQL version: 7.4.2

Operating system:   Linux

Description:        RedHat Linux 8


The type of macaddr column could not work "Like" pattern matches.

The detail as follows.

[...]$ createdb mac_test
[...]psql -d mac_test
Welcome to psql 7.4.2, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

mac_test=# create table addr( id  integer ,
mac_test(# mac  macaddr,
mac_test(# constraint addr_pk primary key(id) );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "addr_pk" for
table "addr"
mac_test=# \d
       List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner
 public | addr | table | momo
(1 row)

mac_test=# \d addr
     Table "public.addr"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 id     | integer | not null
 mac    | macaddr |
    "addr_pk" primary key, btree (id)

mac_test=# insert into addr values( 1, '001006-000000');
INSERT 29383 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 2, '001006-000002');
INSERT 29384 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 3, '001006-000003');
INSERT 29385 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 4, '001006-000001');
INSERT 29386 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 5, '001006-00000f');
INSERT 29387 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 6, '001006-00000d');
INSERT 29388 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 7, '001006-00000a');
INSERT 29389 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 8, '001006-00000c');
INSERT 29390 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 9, '001006-045f23');
INSERT 29391 1
mac_test=# insert into addr values( 10, '001006-045f2e');
INSERT 29392 1
mac_test=# select * from addr;
 id |        mac
  1 | 00:10:06:00:00:00
  2 | 00:10:06:00:00:02
  3 | 00:10:06:00:00:03
  4 | 00:10:06:00:00:01
  5 | 00:10:06:00:00:0f
  6 | 00:10:06:00:00:0d
  7 | 00:10:06:00:00:0a
  8 | 00:10:06:00:00:0c
  9 | 00:10:06:04:5f:23
 10 | 00:10:06:04:5f:2e
(10 rows)

mac_test=# select * from addr where mac like '%2e';
ERROR:  operator does not exist: macaddr ~~ "unknown"
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You may need
to add explicit type casts.

Re: BUG #1223: RedHat Linux 8

> The type of macaddr column could not work "Like" pattern matches.

Like is for comparing texts, so convert to text?

> mac_test=# select * from addr where mac like '%2e';

maybe try something like:

    SELECT * FROM addr WHERE mac::TEXT LIKE '%2E';

Hope this help, have a nice day,

Fabien Coelho - coelho@cri.ensmp.fr