Обсуждение: Fix for PSQL 7.2.2 doesn't compile on OS X 10.2


Fix for PSQL 7.2.2 doesn't compile on OS X 10.2


    I took a crack at fixing this one myself.  It turns out there are
(of course) header differences between 10.1 and 10.2

   I found a fix, but I'm sure a careful analysis would find a better
one - I just copied over the current system header file into the
psql tree, and tweaked it.

   The fix is as follows (on a 10.2 system):

cd src/include/port/darwin
cp sem.h sem.h.orig
cp /usr/include/sys/sem.h .

then comment out the following lines at the end of sem.h:

int semsys __P((int, ...));
int semctl __P((int, int, int, union semun));
int semget __P((key_t, int, int));
int semop __P((int, struct sembuf *,unsigned));

Best Regards,

    Lee Nelson

P.S. I'm just a hapless user, so please don't flame me for the cheesy
fix.  :)

Re: Fix for PSQL 7.2.2 doesn't compile on OS X 10.2

Deron Brookins
I was able to successfully compile 7.2.2 on 10.2,  but I had to change
a line in the config.cache file.   I only used the with-perl option.
The config.cache file that was created had the following line

When i compared the config.cache with the 7.2.1 file the same line had
no.  So I changed  the yes to no and it works.

I'm assuming this does exactly what you did by telling it to ignore
these functions.  I hope this helps.

On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 09:32  PM, jld123@pobox.com wrote:

> Hello,
>     I took a crack at fixing this one myself.  It turns out there are
> (of course) header differences between 10.1 and 10.2
>    I found a fix, but I'm sure a careful analysis would find a better
> one - I just copied over the current system header file into the
> psql tree, and tweaked it.
>    The fix is as follows (on a 10.2 system):
> cd src/include/port/darwin
> cp sem.h sem.h.orig
> cp /usr/include/sys/sem.h .
> then comment out the following lines at the end of sem.h:
> /*
> int semsys __P((int, ...));
> int semctl __P((int, int, int, union semun));
> int semget __P((key_t, int, int));
> int semop __P((int, struct sembuf *,unsigned));
> */
> Best Regards,
>     Lee Nelson
> P.S. I'm just a hapless user, so please don't flame me for the cheesy
> fix.  :)
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

select for update problem (maybe mine)

Theodore Petrosky
Is this a bug or is this how it is supposed to work?

postgresql 7.3 (release)
mac osx 10.2.2

select for update

I have two terminal sessions open with psql running
and talking to the same db.

in window 1 : begin;
in window 1 : select column1 from table where column1
= 'text' for update;

in window 2 : update table set column1  = 'text 2'
where column1 = 'text';

then nothing...(until I commit window 1 then window 2
just does the update)
.. I expected an error or warning in window 2... sorry
column/row locked for update...

how can I trap for this. If client 1 is updating,
client 2 needs to know, not just be stuck waiting.
He/She has no idea why there is a delay.

but then again, maybe I am using this wrong.



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