Обсуждение: Field Separator setting not used.


Field Separator setting not used.

Kevin Colagio (kevin.colagio@usa.xerox.com) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Field Separator setting not used.

Long Description

(This is major because I have about 20 scripts that I would have to modify to get this to work...and I don't think I am
theonly one who uses this functionality.) 

I have scripts that call the following:

psql -t -q -d servicedesk -F '###' -c "select * from users"

The output should be along the lines of:


Which is then parsed by a perl program...but instead, it comes up as:

abc123 | Kevin | Colagio | 820 | 209 | x56469

I have also tried:
psql servicedesk
  \pset fieldsep ###

And that doesn't work either.  It responds as if it accepts it, but doesn't use it when printing out.

The OS is Solaris 2.8 and the version of PostgreSql is 7.0.2 .

Anything else I can help with, let me know.


Sample Code

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Re: Field Separator setting not used.

Peter Eisentraut
pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org writes:

> psql -t -q -d servicedesk -F '###' -c "select * from users"
> The output should be along the lines of:
> abc123###Kevin###Colagio###820###209###x56469
> Which is then parsed by a perl program...but instead, it comes up as:
> abc123 | Kevin | Colagio | 820 | 209 | x56469

You need to set the output mode to unaligned, e.g., using the -A option.

Quoth the documentation:

       \pset parameter [ value ]

              format Sets the output format to one of  unaligned,
                     aligned,  html,  or latex.  Unique abbrevia­
                     tions are allowed. (That would mean one let­
                     ter is enough.)

                     ``Unaligned''  writes  all fields of a tuple
                     on a line, separated by the currently active
                     field  separator. This is intended to create
                     output that might be intended to be read  in
                     by other programs (tab-separated, comma-sep­
                     Specifies the field separator to be used  in
                     unaligned output mode. That way one can cre­
                     ate, for example,  tab-  or  comma-separated
                     output,  which  other programs might prefer.

Peter Eisentraut      peter_e@gmx.net       http://yi.org/peter-e/