Обсуждение: PostgresOpen 2015 - Registration Opens, CFP Extended!


PostgresOpen 2015 - Registration Opens, CFP Extended!

Stephen Frost

Early Bird Registration for PostgresOpen 2015, being held in Dallas,
Texas from September 16th to 18th, is now open!

Simply go to: http://2015.postgresopen.org/tickets/ and register!

The Program Committee is excited to be able to continue providing
PostgresOpen at the same rate as last year, with a $200 discount for
early bird registrations!

We are also pleased to announce that talks will now be accepted up until
May 24th, Anywhere on Earth (AoE), but that still leaves only two weeks
left to submit your talk! http://2015.postgresopen.org/callforpapers/

Presentations on any topic related to PostgreSQL including, but not
limited to, case studies, experiences, tools and utilities, migration
stories, existing features, new feature development, benchmarks,
performance tuning will be considered.

Tutorials will be announced in the coming weeks- watch our blog at
http://2015.postgresopen.org/blog/ for updates!

The Program Committee looks forward to bringing the best PostgreSQL
presentations and tutorials from speakers around the world to the
first multi-day PostgreSQL conference in Texas!

Speakers will be notified by June 1, 2015 AoE, with the schedule to be
published once selected speakers have confirmed.

PostgresOpen 2015 is proud to announce Javelin Marketing Group,
OmniTI and Consistent State as sponsors!  Sponsorship opportunities
are still available and the prospectus is available here:

We look forward to seeing everyone in Dallas!

Any questions?  Please contact: program2015@postgresopen.org.

Stephen Frost
PostgresOpen 2015 Committee Chair
