Обсуждение: PgDay Ecuador 2014: Call for papers


PgDay Ecuador 2014: Call for papers

Jaime Casanova

The 4th PgDay Ecuador will be held on Tuesday 7th in October at the
city of Quito, as part of the 5th International Congress of Free

We are now accepting proposals for talks. Each session will last 45
minutes and can be about any topic related to PostgreSQL. Possible
topics include:

- Developing applications for PostgreSQL
- Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
- Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments
- PostgreSQL tools and utilities
- PostgreSQL hacking
- Tuning the server
- Migrating from other systems
- Scaling/replication
- Benchmarking & hardware
- PostgreSQL related products

Of course, we will be happy to receive proposals for talks on other
PostgreSQL-related topics.

Also I would like to propose a section of lightning talks (or maybe a
forum or "questions and answers" section) about features that users
would like to see in PostgreSQL or current limitations that have
prevented them from implementing their projects in PostgreSQL.

Proposals should be sent to ecpug@postgresql.org or to
jaime@2ndquadrant.com until August 31st, 2014 (requests sent to any
other email will be ignored.) If your talk is selected you will be
notified by September 21st.

We look forward to hearing from you, and see you in Quito in PgDay Ecuador 2014!

Jaime Casanova         www.2ndQuadrant.com
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación
Phone: +593 4 5107566         Cell: +593 987171157