Обсуждение: Psycopg 2.5.3 released


Psycopg 2.5.3 released

Daniele Varrazzo
Psycopg 2.5.3 has been released. You can get it from:


Signature: http://initd.org/psycopg/tarballs/PSYCOPG-2-5/psycopg2-2.5.3.tar.gz.asc

This version contains several bug fixes over the previous release 2.5.2:

- Work around pip issue #1630 making installation via 'pip -e git+url'
  impossible (ticket #18).
- Copy operations correctly set the 'cursor.rowcount' attribute (ticket
- It is now possible to call 'get_transaction_status()' on closed
- Fixed unsafe access to object names causing assertion failures in
  Python 3 debug builds (ticket #188).
- Mark the connection closed if found broken on 'poll()' (from ticket
  #192 discussion)
- Fixed handling of 'dsn' and 'closed' attributes in connection
  subclasses failing to connect (from ticket #192 discussion).
- Added arbitrary but stable order to 'Range' objects, thanks to Chris
  Withers (ticket #193).
- Avoid blocking async connections on connect (ticket #194). Thanks to
  Adam Petrovich for the bug report and diagnosis.
- Don't segfault using poorly defined cursor subclasses which forgot to
  call the superclass init (ticket #195).
- Mark the connection closed when a Socket connection is broken, as it
  happens for TCP connections instead (ticket #196).
- Fixed overflow opening a lobject with an oid not fitting in a signed
  int (ticket #203).
- Fixed handling of explicit default 'cursor_factory=None' in
  'connection.cursor()' (ticket #210).
- Fixed possible segfault in named cursors creation.
- Fixed debug build on Windows, thanks to James Emerton.

Thank you very much to everybody helping with this release!


Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL adapter for the Python
programming language. At its core it fully implements the Python DB
API 2.0 specifications. Several extensions allow access to many of the
features offered by PostgreSQL.