Обсуждение: Registration Closing Soon - PGConf NYC 2014


Registration Closing Soon - PGConf NYC 2014

"Jonathan S. Katz"
PGConf NYC 2014 (http://nyc.pgconf.us) is being held from April 3 - April 4 at the New York Marriott Downtown in New York City and is hosted by the New York City PostgreSQL User Group (http://www.nycpug.org) on behalf of the United States PostgreSQL Association (http://www.postgresql.us).  For more information please visit http://nyc.pgconf.us

We currently have 230 people registered from all over the world to see a variety of talks given by PostgreSQL community members and from businesses small and large, including a full-day security track on April 3.  For more information on our schedule, please visit: http://nyc.pgconf.us/2014/schedule/

We are close to capacity for the conference this year and would like to remind anyone who is still interested in registering to do so before we sell out and before registration closes next week.  You can register directly for the conference here: http://pgconfnyc2014.eventbrite.com/?aff=pgclose

We look forward to seeing you in New York!