Обсуждение: repmgr 2.0 released


repmgr 2.0 released

Christian Kruse
repmgr 2.0 released

Replication Manager for PostgreSQL clusters

What is repmgr?

repmgr is a set of open source tools that helps DBAs and System
administrators manage a cluster of PostgreSQL databases.

By taking advantage of the Hot Standby capability introduced in
PostgreSQL 9, repmgr greatly simplifies the process of setting up and
managing database with high availability and scalability requirements.

repmgr simplifies administration and daily management, enhances
productivity and reduces the overall costs of a PostgreSQL cluster by:

- monitoring the replication process;
- allowing DBAs to issue high availability operations such as
  switch-overs and fail-overs

repmgr is production quality software and used widely across the world
with PostgreSQL. Many users rely on repmgr to maintain their
replication setups and as such we take new releases seriously and mark
the level of maturity as a guide for users. As repmgr 2.0 moves
towards production we continue to regard the autofailover feature as
currently in beta; we expect that to fully mature in the 2.1 release.

2ndQuadrant provides contract support for PostgreSQL that includes
both repmgr and the autofailover feature.


- Improved Documentation
- General refactoring, code quality improvements and stabilization
- Support for daemonizing (-d/--daemonize)
- PID file handling (-p/--pid-file)
- New config option: monitor_interval_secs
- New config option: retry_promote_interval
- New config option: logfile
- New config option: pg_bindir
- New config option: pgctl_options
- Add timestamps to log line in stderr
- Add a ssh_options parameter
- Make CLONE command try to make an exact copy including $PGDATA
- Add detection of master failure
- Add the notion of a witness server
- Add experimental autofailover capabilities
- Add a configuration parameter to indicate the script to execute on
  failover or follow
- Make the monitoring optional and turned off by default, it can be
  turned on with --monitoring-history switch
- Add tunables to specify number of retries to reconnect to master and
  the time between them


- Fixed PQexec() calls: fixed several calls where we did not check the
  result status but only the return value of PQexec(); the query may
  have failed nonetheless
- Flush stderr after a log message appears: We had the problem that
  the log file appeared empty for a long time due to file
  buffers. Thus we call fflush() after every log message so the log
  file gets written out to disk quickly
- Fixed repmgr repl_status columns: repmgr repl_status view had the
  column time_lag which was documented to be the time a standby is
  behind master. In fact it only works like this when viewed on the
  standby and not on the master: there it only was the time of the
  last status update. We dropped that column and replaced it by a new
  column „communication_time_lag“ which is the content of the
  repl_status column on the master. On the standby we contain the time
  of the last update in shared mem though refer always to the correct
  time nonetheless where repl_status is queried. We also added a new
  column, „replication_time_lag“, which refers to the apply delay.
- Performance improvements: the old implementation took round about 8
  seconds per monitoring interval because it got caught in a sleep
  call and had to wait for timeouts. MUCH too long, especially when
  you look at the default monitor_interval value of 2 seconds – we
  could never hold that.  The new implementation uses PQgetResult()
  and select() to avoid the sleep and thus the monitoring routine now
  only uses a fraction of the time before (<1s).
- Leak and memory fixes: Fixed some leaks and an overlapping strcpy()
- Overhauled CloseConnections(): CloseCOnnections() did not have a
  NULL check for PQisBusy() call and was a macro. It also didn't set
  the connections to NULL. Now it is a function and sets the
  connections to NULL and checks for NULL before calling functions on
  connection variables.
- Set connections to NULL when calling PQfinish() on them.
- Ignore pg_log when cloning
- Correctly check wal_keep_segments
- General code refactoring
- Log format fixes
- handle stdin/stdout/stderr for repmgrd
- Added format checking for printf() like functions
- Added forgotten priority value when creating a witness
- pg_config is now settable from outsite of the makefile
- Split install targets to install_prog and install_ext with doing
  both as the default
- Flush output before calling system()
- Initialize variables as sscanf() leaves them untouched upon error
- No longer exit when standby connection drops
- Several typos have been corrected
- Fixed string comparison when reloading config files
- Do not create data directory before sanity checks succeeded when
  creating a witness
- Also check if query was successful when registering a new standby
- Remove master node earlier so that master register --force succeeds
  when it is already registered
- Do not exit with database in backup mode (pg_start_backup())
- Debian control file now accepts PostgreSQL 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3
- Now compiles with 9.3


Features we are working on in the near future:

- timeline increase when a standby gets promoted
- A better check which standby did receive most of the data
- Respect the fact that a standby can be delayed on purpose a factor
  in the voting algorithm
- include support for delayed standbys

For more information take a look at http://repmgr.org/

Community and development

repmgr is free and open source software and is licensed under the

Contributions to repmgr are welcome. See the README.rst file for
information about how to contribute.

All of repmgr code and documentation is Copyright © 2011-2014,
2ndQuadrant Limited. See the files COPYRIGHT and LICENSE for details.

 Christian Kruse               http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
