Обсуждение: Announcing PGConf NYC 2014 & Call for Proposals


Announcing PGConf NYC 2014 & Call for Proposals

"Jonathan S. Katz"
The New York City PostgreSQL User Group is proud to announce PGConf NYC 2014, which will be held from Thursday, April
3,2013 to Friday, April 4, 2014 at the New York Marriott Downtown in New York City. 

Please visit http://nyc.pgconf.us for the full information about PGConf NYC 2014.

A limited supply of Special Early Bird Tickets is available at http://nyc.pgconf.us/2014/tickets/  through the end of
2013or until they are sold out. 

PGConf NYC 2014 has grown to a two-day format thanks to the popularity of the PGDay conference in NYC, and NYCPUG, the
largestPostgreSQL User Group in the United States.  As with our past conferences, PGConf NYC 2014 focuses on how people
usePostgreSQL, from the perspective of developers, DBAs, systems administrators, business-intelligence analysts, and

A special addition included in PGConf NYC 2014 is the one-day, "PostgreSQL Security" track that is being sponsored by
CrunchyData Solutions (http://crunchydatasolutions.com), which will include topics such as the basics of PostgreSQL
Security,how to achieve PCI compliance with PostgreSQL, advanced PostgreSQL security features, and presentations from
U.S.government and financial sector employees. 

The call for talk proposals for PGConf NYC is now open here - http://nyc.pgconf.us/2014/submit/

Submitting a CFP to PGConf NYC 2014 is easier than ever - please visit the submission page to create your account and
viewsuggestions for talks.  The submission deadline is January 10th, 2014 at noon EST, and all speakers will be
notifiedby January 15th, 2014.  There will be no extensions on the CFP. 

Some topics to consider:

    * How to leverage new and/or innovative PostgreSQL features
    * Developing applications with PostgreSQL
    * Strategies for running PostgreSQL in production
    * Case studies of PostgreSQL on deployments
    * Managing your development process with PostgreSQL
    * How to use PostgreSQL extensions, e.g. PostGIS
    * PostgreSQL integrations with other database, i.e. leveraging foreign data wrappers
    * PostgreSQL Scalability + Replication
    * Accessible Insights into PostgreSQL Internals
    * Scalability strategies with PostgreSQL

PGConf NYC 2014 is made possible with the generous support of our sponsors.  We would like to extend a special thanks
toall of our launch sponsors: 

  * Gold
    * OmniTI (http://omniti.com)
    * 2ndQuadrant (http://www.2ndquadrant.com)
    * Heroku (http://www.heroku.com)
  * Partner
    * Crunchy Data Solutions (http://crunchydatasolutions.com)
  * Silver
    * TransLattice (http://www.translattice.com)
    * Command Prompt, Inc. (http://www.commandprompt.com)
    * OpenSCG (http://www.openscg.com)

We look forward to seeing you all in April and making PGConf NYC 2014 the best PostgreSQL conference in New York to

For more information, please visit http://nyc.pgconf.us