Обсуждение: Pyrseas 0.7.1 is now available


Pyrseas 0.7.1 is now available

Joe Abbate
A bug fix release of Pyrseas 0.7, a framework for upgrading/migrating a
Postgres database, has been released.  Release 0.7.1 available from:

   GitHub:     https://github.com/pyrseas/Pyrseas
   PyPI:       https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pyrseas
   PGXN:       http://pgxn.org/dist/pyrseas/
   PgFoundry:  http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pyrseas

Updated documentation is viewable at:

   Read the Docs:  http://pyrseas.readthedocs.org/en/r0.7/
   Python Hosted:  http://pythonhosted.org/Pyrseas/

This release changes the location of the system configuration file
(config.yaml) so that it is accessible when installing via the Python
installer (pip, as opposed to installing via "python setup.py install").
In addition, yamltodb output is now encoded using utf-8 when writing to
a file or pipe.

All 0.7.0 users are encouraged to upgrade, e.g., pip install --upgrade,
at the earliest convenience.

Thanks to Roger Hunwicks and Ghislain Leveque for their assistance with
this release.

Joe Abbate