Обсуждение: PgCookbook - another one PostgreSQL cookbook


PgCookbook - another one PostgreSQL cookbook

Sergey Konoplev
Hi all,

I am happy to announce PgCookbook https://github.com/grayhemp/pgcookbook.

The project is a constantly updating set of articles, scripts and
configuration files to help maintain PostgreSQL. The articles and
files might be modified as new versions of software or new ways of
doing things appear. Stay tuned.

The following guides are currently published under the repo. More are
expected in the near future.

- Database Server Configuration
- Explaining .psqlrc Startup File
- SSH Without Password Setup
- Streaming Replication Setup
- Slony1 Replication Setup
- Switching To Another Server With PgBouncer
- SSH-Tunnel With Compression Setup

I would also like to pay your attention on the scripts under the bin/ directory.

- archive_tables.sh - partitions archiving and management
- manage_dumps.sh - SQL dumps creation and management
- restore_dump.sh - advanced restore with tables and data filtration
- ssh_tunnel.sh - SSH-tunnening automation
- stat_statements.sh - query statistics collecting and reporting
- config.sh.example - configuration example for the scripts
- utils.sh - generic utilities for the scripts

Hope you will find the project useful.

Kind regards,
Sergey Konoplev
PostgreSQL Consultant and DBA

+1 (415) 867-9984, +7 (901) 903-0499, +7 (988) 888-1979