Обсуждение: Registration is closing soon for PGDay UK - Book now!


Registration is closing soon for PGDay UK - Book now!

"Howard Rolph"

With just over 2 weeks to go before PGDay UK, don’t miss out on the UK Postgres event of the year.


PGDay UK is the local Postgres event for the local Postrges community.  Don’t get left behind by not attending - if you want to stay in touch with the latest developments and hear what’s ahead, participate in some compelling presentations and have an opportunity to talk to fellow community colleagues, make sure you attend PGDay UK on the 12th July. 


Book now at http://postgresqlusergroup.org.uk/ and secure your place.


Top speakers, a packed agenda and good food (and refreshments) are promised. And with a great venue that’s easy to reach from just about any region of the UK, you’ll be kicking yourself if you miss this one!


Find out more and book your place today at http://postgresqlusergroup.org.uk/



Howard Rolph                                           www.2ndQuadrant.com

PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services