Обсуждение: Benetl, a free ETL tool for postgreSQL, out in version 4.4


Benetl, a free ETL tool for postgreSQL, out in version 4.4

Benoît Carpentier
Dear all,

Benetl, a free ETL tool for postgreSQL, is out in version 4.4.

This version brings much better peformances with a new functionality: batch mode.
In the GUI you can set the number of lines to be commited in a same transaction.

This versions is correcting two bugs:
The last line read was forgotten we re-run an EtlTool (bug brought by version 4.3).
The last line read was read again if its position in the file is equal to first line to read position, when re-run an EtlTool.

Some GUI improvement and new tests added.

You should really update.

Benetl is freely dowloadable at: http://www.benetl.net

You can learn more about ETL tools at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load

Thanks for your interest.

Benoît Carpentier
Founder of Benetl and Java project manager