Обсуждение: pg_repack 1.1.8 released


pg_repack 1.1.8 released

Daniele Varrazzo
We are happy to announce the release of pg_repack 1.1.8.

This is the first release of pg_repack, a fork of pg_reorg. The reason
of the fork is to revive the development of pg_reorg, which has
stagnated since the release 1.1.7 in August 2011. pg_repack addresses
specifically the missing features planned for pg_reorg 1.1.8 and its
known bugs. The main changes from pg_reorg 1.1.7 are:

  * Added support for PostgreSQL 9.2.
  * Added support for CREATE EXTENSION on PostgreSQL 9.1 and following.
  * Give user feedback while waiting for transactions to finish (pg_reorg
    issue #5).
  * Bugfix: Allow running on newly promoted streaming replication slaves
    (pg_reorg issue #1).
  * Bugfix: Fix interaction between pg_repack and Slony 2.0/2.1 (pg_reorg
    issue #4)
  * Bugfix: Properly escape column names (pg_reorg issue #6).
  * Bugfix: Avoid recreating invalid indexes, or choosing them as key
    (pg_reorg issue #9).
  * Bugfix: Never choose a partial index as primary key (pg_reorg issue #22).

In an effort to make the transition for existing pg_reorg users
simple, the pg_repack 1.1.8 release is a drop-in replacement for
pg_reorg, only addressing the pg_reorg 1.1.7 bugs and shortcomings. We
are also developing new features to be released in an upcoming 1.2
version. With the intent of causing the least trouble possible to
pg_reorg users, we are not going to set up a different mailing list or
discussion group, but we wish to coordinate the pg_repack development
using the current reorg-general mailing list.

pg_repack may be an interim solution, should the pg_reorg project come
back to life. In the meantime, we thank the original pg_reorg authors
for the quality code they have released to the community, wish them
good luck, and hope to collaborate further in the future.


You can download the source package from the PGXN website at
<http://pgxn.org/dist/pg_repack/> and install it as explained in the
documentation at <http://reorg.github.com/pg_repack/#installation>.

Alternatively you can install pg_repack use the PGXN Client, running
"pgxn install pg_repack". Please check the PGXN Client
documentation for all the installation options at


  * Homepage: http://reorg.github.com/pg_repack
  * Download: http://pgxn.org/dist/pg_repack/
  * Development: https://github.com/reorg/pg_repack
  * Mailing List: http://pgfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/reorg-general