Обсуждение: PG Day France 2012 : Call for papers


PG Day France 2012 : Call for papers

damien clochard
====== PG Day France: Call for papers ======

PG Day France is a major French-speaking PostgreSQL community event.
This year the conference will be held on Thursday, June 7th in Lyon. A
hundred visitors are expected for this day dedicated to PostgreSQL and
its associated projects.

You can find more information at: http://www.pgday.fr

Are you an expert in a field related to free databases? Do you use
PostgreSQL in a specific context (high-volume, high load, innovative
projects, etc.)? Do you participate in free projects linked to
PostgreSQL? If so, do not hesitate to propose a talk!

For this 2012 edition, the highlighted topics are:

  *  Administration of large databases
  *  High-availability and load balancing
  *  Data security
  *  Case studies / Testimonials
  *  Optimization
  *  Tests, benchmarks, hardware, etc.
  *  Data warehouses and BI systems

This list is not exhaustive; you may propose other topics related to

PG Day France is oriented toward professionals, including IT managers,
policy makers, project managers, database administrators, developers,
system administrators and all the profiles that come into contact with a

To submit a talk, simply send an e-mail to
propositions-pgdayfr2012@postgresql.fr, stating the following:

  * Your full name;
  * Your company / employer;
  * Your twitter account (optional);
  * The title of your talk;
  * The length of your presentation (45 minutes max. questions included);
  * A short description (200 characters max.)
  * A long description (700 characters max.)
  * A photo (200 x 200 pixels minimum).

Talks should be in French. Please note that your speech may be captured
in audio/video and broadcast on the Internet.

The deadline for sending proposals is Saturday, February 25, 2012 at
23:59 CEST.

During the month of March 2012, a preliminary vote will be held within
the French-speaking community to assess the various proposals.

Then the selection committee will review all valid proposals. The choice
of talks will be based on the quality of the paper, its interest to a
professional audience, the coherence with the overall schedule of the
day and the outcome of the preliminary vote. The decision of the
Selection Committee shall be final and binding.

The program committee consists of:
  * Gautier Di Folco (Student, INSA Lyon)
  * Vik Fearing (Developer, Auriga)
  * Guillaume Lelarge (CTO, Dalibo)
  * Ludovic Levesque (CTO, Fotolia)
  * Vincent Picavet (Co-founder, Oslandia)
  * Thomas Reiss (DBA, Ministry of Interior)

Committee members act on their own behalf; their choices do not
necessarily reflect those of their employer.

The selected speakers will be notified by e-mail by March 17, 2012, the
day of the announcement of the program.

For questions about this call for papers and PG Day France in general,
you can send a message to: pgdayfr2012@listes.postgresql.fr