Обсуждение: PaGoDump & PaGoRestore v9.0.0 are out


PaGoDump & PaGoRestore v9.0.0 are out

Pavel Golub
Hello, people.

Microolap Technologies is happy to announce that new version of
GUI utilities for backing up and restoring a PostgreSQL database
provides full PostgreSQL 9.x support.

New version of utilities provides full PostgreSQL 9.x support.

You're welcome to download the latest release from our website at:

PaGoDump changelog:
[!] Support for PostgreSQL 9.x introduced
[+] Allow to dump comments attached to columns of composite types
[+] Make "Verbose Messages" option output the client and server versions in text output mode
[*] Make "Drop Database" option also remove large objects
[-] Fix to properly dump large objects when standard_conforming_strings is enabled

PaGoRestore changelog:
[!] Support for PostgreSQL 9.x introduced
[*] Make "Clean Objects" option also remove large objects
[*] Now emits large-object data in hex format when generating script output

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

With best wishes,
 Pavel                          mailto:pavel@gf.microolap.com