Обсуждение: Quick Application Suite - Quick Application Builder - 1.1 version Released


Quick Application Suite - Quick Application Builder - 1.1 version Released

DatawareStudio.com is proud to announce the immediate availability of

Quick Application Suite/Quick Application Builder 1.1 with
- Oracle support
- On Lock Statement
- improved internal design.

Quick Application Siute also gains the capability to hide editing
fields on specifice events.

Developed by DotSolutions s.r.l, QaS and QaB dramatically simplify the
process of
creating and maintaining a web-based complex application for every day usage.
Their's unique features make Quick Application family the fastest web
application development tools on earth.

Tested with most widley used portals and database servers, both open
source and
commercial, they allow web developers to build a complete application,
comprehensive of
strong data entry controls and impressive reports in a bunch of minutes.

You can combine them with leading Data Warehousing technology like
Pentaho, SpagoBI or
JasperIntelligence to add exclusive data entry characteristic to your
Their tide integration with Pentaho Data Integration (previosly known
as Kettle) allows
power users to add complex back end control logic every time is needed.
Or you can use them alone, just a WebPortal like Liferay, Jahia, Jboss Portal,
ExoPlatform, Jetspeed, to create all the applications your society requires.

And all can be done without writing a single line of
html/java/jsp/php/asp code, thank's
to a flexible user interface and standard sql syntax.

You can download Quick Application Builder community Edition for
PostgreSql at this URL:
